Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas (CLEAT) has just endorse Sheriff Parnell McNamara for re-election.


Cleats Mission: To ensure that our members' rights and interests are protected by providing exceptional legal representation, legislative and political power, assistance in labor negotiations, and leadership / association development.


​Everywhere we go and every time we get to speak we talk about the lobbying efforts of our militarized police forces in the State Legislature, which gives them a continuous cash flow from the tax payers.


When you think about it our tax dollars are used to lobby the legislature for more tax dollars. This goes on in more tax supported State entities than you think, every law enforcement agency and cities across the state lobby's for more, more police equipment, training, more police, more more more!


​The point is we (Bikers) must organize and be ready for the 85th TX State Legislature. Its not hard to see the law has lobbyist working on their behalf 24/7. Politicians in their eagerness to be supportive of the law has actually given them the power to mistreat the people they work for, including those without the influence or funds to fight injustice.



Government has become a make work system for police, lawyers and bureaucrats. Its no longer about the law. Its in our view no tax supported group should be allowed to lobby with tax dollars.


We must come out of our shell, be public and bold. We are asking you to support the many efforts in this state and across the nation. Get involved, if you don't have time for that donate, there are people working everyday for nothing to see that our rights as American citizens are preserved for us all.


We are members of the USA Defenders TX Legislative Strike Force. We are a legitimate political organization, we do not profit, we are not controlled by the Bandidos , we are not told what to say, we are not forced to pay anyone. If we reach into our pockets it's because we believe in the cause...

