Target Fixation! We see it everywhere including Texas Law Enforcement ( top cop Abbott) but lets not stop there, the FBI and CIA which works to bring down a President. Of course two of the three mentioned are a big part of the deep state and corrupt has hell. A Mad House with State and Federal politicians leading the charge of corruption, lies and innuendo...
It's the very reason they will miss the next big thing on the horizon whether it be a terrorist attack or another mass shooting. Knowing the dependence law enforcement at all levels have on digital policing is frighting. Especially when digital surveillance and criminal databases is purposely being pointed the wrong direction, it's sure to fail.
In Texas Target Fixation is Criminal and Gang Databases. Keep the guns away from criminals is their battle cry since the last mass shooting in El Paso . Common sense tells us most mass shootings weren't criminals until they decided to kill people.
Never let a good tragedy go to waste. Behind all the sad faces of politicians and law enforcement talking heads is opportunity to seize power, funding, equipment (armor) and data centers. The call is always for more each time a tragedy occurs. They never have enough.
It's emotions that lets us give up our tax dollars, our rights. Common sense also tells us to get around digital surveillance is to just abstain from it, no phones, no computers or any other type device you think is used for government snooping..
With this power comes abuse of the innocent and a system put together without a single thought of the effects of the Constitutional Rights of the American People. Bikers have seen this first hand, led by governor Abbott. Get 'em all into my database if they look like a gang member. He's mandated law enforcement participate in these violations across the state. Some take it to the extreme.
We have news for the governor. The people you call OMG's are full of veterans, All Bikers are 100% Patriots with respect for our State, our Country. Your chasing the innocent and your tails while the next tragedy is looming and off the digital grid.
See something say something, every nut job and kid will run those on watch ragged. We've already seen some of the effects this is going to bring. School lock downs across the Nation are now a daily occurrence because of fake threats. No report can be ignored, our schools have taught children to disrespect the law in favor of anarchy.
Common sense tells us this...
Disarming and vilifying innocent people who want to protect themselves, families, friends and neighbors no matter who they are is not the answer, databases is not the answer, vilifying the innocent is not the answer, yet this is the path they've chosen.
We are not target fixated because it's all fluid, but predictable...

PS Target fixation was studied during WWII when bomber pilots would be so fixated on the target they forgot to fly the plane and crashed, it's also been studied with motorcyclist. A good road racing school should mention and teach target fixation. It's simple fixating on where you want to go instead of where you don't . Let say your fixated on the rider (target) in front of you if he or she runs off the road your going to follow. I've seen it again and again in RR schools, it's funny yet dangerous when it happens. Just like riding in a pack you've got a lot to take in but don't fixate on the rider in front of you...
Just sayin...