Putin has reneged on amnesty for Prigozhin, we hear now he wants him arrested. Putin can't let him get away with killing Russian Military men and shooting down valuable aircraft they can't replace anytime soon. The propaganda at the moment is no amnesty I want him in jail for crimes he's committed.
Prigozhin made a statement before Putin announced no amnesty. His statement was a half assed apology for killing Russian service members. Prigozhin defended his “march on Moscow” with a convoy of tanks, saying the move was not an attempted coup and was conducted as a protest against Russia’s military leadership.
Prigozhin is a Devil himself, has no value for human life or his soldiers who march to their deaths by the thousands for money and thrills by demented convicts. It's mind boggling that these very wealthy "billionaires" like Putin and Progozhin can't leave well enough alone. Lets hope they take a tour of the Titanic soon.
The more you look into it, the Russian society as a whole is all in. Willing to accept the brutality that comes with communist regimes and dictators. It's all they've ever known until the soviet union collapsed.
For a brief period of time they tasted freedom to speak, travel and economic prosperity. That is until the Devil decided he wanted to invade his neighbors in the Ukraine. The young professionals left Russia in mass fearing for their lives.
For the moment no one knows where Prigozhin is. His paid warriors are dazed and confused with no leader in site. At least that we know of.
We seriously doubt he's in Belarus waiting to be arrested. It's our contention he's bat shit crazy / smart. After all he was close to invading the Kremlin where he forced the rats to leave town.
Ukraine Found Out Never Make A Deal With The Devil.
Meanwhile we wait to see what's next????