Its amazing that each election cycle republicans fall for the ole media and progressive driven circular firing squad trick. Even Fox News Sean Hannity had Rand Paul taking pot shots at other republicans.
The better option would be to say I'm here to talk about my candidacy not others, "period"! Next topic.
If you are going to talk about another candidate do what progressive democrats do, talk about the opposition in the other party that sitting on 2 billion dollars donated by foreign governments, then hammer, hammer,hammer.
My God, we've only had two announce and we see them jumping to do the progressives (in both parties) work for them. It's not hard to spot republican progressives because the media seeks them out for comment. Generally they attack constitutional conservatives in waves. Who in the hell listens to Lindsey Graham? I'm sure John McCain will be waddling in soon to offer his babble along with goggle eyed Mitch McConnell just to name a few.
Karl Rove (better known as Humpty Dumpty man with no ears) has personally raised billions in the last two presidential elections only to lose with the Republican establishment choices. We're shocked anyone gives him a dime. Then again just maybe he really works for the other side, the progressive side in both parties.
Red Flags go up when the MS Media keeps giving Jeb Bush good pole numbers. We all know he's the choice of the republican and media progressives.
Lets all hope for our Country's sake Constitutional Conservatives can survive the firing squad and deliver a Candidate for the people and not the party...
We would ask you not to give to the republican or democratic parties, but you probably know they don't need a dime from us because there are people, very rich people and corporations that benefit by keeping a status quo in DC. Its rigged in their favor and Its up to us to push back and push back now...
Stand Up - Speak Up - Vote For The "Constitutional Conservative" even if he's not your original choice.... If one survives the firing squad...