Sons Of Liberty Riders MC Facebook Events /
Help Protect The Innocent
Profiling Can Turn You into A Criminal – No Trial – No Jury – No Judge
The Motorcycle Riding Public should understand you do not have to be a member of a 1% Club to end up in a gang database and we have proof. Any Police Officer can put you there, not trial, no jury, no chance to face your accuser. You may not even know it.
Sons of Liberty Riders MC (Political Activist) sees viol;ations of our 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, 4th Amendment, 14th Amendment Rights. It's happening all over Texas, especially in North Texas.
It's the reason we are seeking redress through Public Rallies. It's time we stand up for our rights and the innocent who finds themselves at the hands of unscrupulous Law Enforcement Entities and Laws.
Mirror Mirror on the wall who violates the rights of the people most of all. Paw Paw Sheriff Fowler & His Deputies he said lacked tact in Parker County or Fort Worth PD & a gang unit hell bent on making criminals of the innocent for such crimes as
Stopping on or over the white line
7 mph over the speed limit
Turn signal violations
Riding to close
Carrying a weapon with permit
Attending a birthday party
Attending a fund raiser
Failure to stop while trying to find a safe safe to stop at 30 mph
Wearing Constitutional Protected Patches
Wow! We're talking about real crime stoppers here.
Right now we think Tarrant County is in the lead with Parker County and Garland competing for 2nd & third place. Police departments like Dallas PD suffer as a whole while misguided Gang Units and Sheriff Departments prosper from Federal & State Grants for more and more goodies...