President Barack Obama plans to launch a military operation this summer that will see the special forces which killed Osama bin Laden team up with Walmart to take over Texas.
Of course this media story is made out to make anyone who has legitimate questions to look like a conspiracy nut.
Many of the reasons they give for these military exercises doesn't hold water. Like this gives them experience they just can't get anywhere else. The facts are our military are the most experienced in the world at urban warfare since Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Just go watch the movie American Sniper to get an idea about it all.
On top of that the military has spent millions building cities and compounds to simulate urban warfare on bases around the country. This would include fort hood who was looking for volunteer actors at one point..
The facts are no one trusts the Obama administration, period!
As the US focuses on the threat from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis), anti-Obama groups have been fanning the flames of conspiracy over Jade Helm 15, a long-planned military exercise to let troops “practise core special warfare tasks, which help protect the nation against foreign enemies”.
Again mistrust of the president and this administration is at the center of it all..
Mr Obama is no stranger to conspiracy theories — for instance, Donald Trump claiming that he was not born in the US and so not qualified to occupy the White House.
Which was true.
The former “Republic of Texas” has also had one of the strongest streaks of independence in the US since it was annexed in 1845, making the “Lone Star” state ripe for conspiracy tales involving the federal government.
That being said there are too many unanswered questions as Texans no longer trusts the federal government who's shown nothing but contempt for tax paying citizens.
But the latest intrigue took on a new dimension when Greg Abbott, the new Republican governor of Texas, ordered the State Guard, a branch of the Texas state military, to monitor Jade Helm on the grounds that it was “important that Texans know their safety, constitutional rights, private property rights and civil liberties will not be infringed”.
Its a smart move on his part, again too many lies and unanswered questions surround operation Jade Helms..Its simple the people do not trust liars. They've asked the state to look into it..
Ted Cruz, the Texas senator running for president, said while he was not concerned about Jade Helm, the anxiety was valid because “we have seen, for six years, a federal government disrespecting the liberty of the citizens”.
But Mr Abbott’s move sparked criticism from mainstream Republicans and people surprised that he would lend credence to rumors. In his inauguration speech, Mr Abbott had thanked the military, including his brother who served in the Navy, for service that “secured our freedom to celebrate events of democracy like this today”. Over the years the Republican leadership has proven to be untrustworthy and full of liars that give cover to the progressive machine..
His order to the State Guard came days before two men with suspected Isis links were killed by police after they opened fire outside a provocative anti-Muslim exhibition in Garland, Texas.
So what?

Operation Jade Helm
Although just a wild rumor, the Jade Helm conspiracy has tapped into a debate about the relationship between the federal government and the states that is expected to be a central topic in the 2016 presidential election.
Last we heard it was real not a rumor..
On issues from healthcare to same-sex marriage, many conservatives worry that another Democrat in the Oval Office would push policies that would strip power away from the states.
But Mr Perry, the former Texas governor and 2012 presidential candidate who was lampooned after he could not recall the government agency he wanted to eliminate in a presidential debate, also joined the critics.
Stab at Perry..
“The civilian leadership you can always question them but not the men and women in uniform,” Mr Perry said. That's true unless you figure in top brass that are nothing more than puppets of the President and political wonks like John Kerry or John Murtha who are traitors in many veterans eyes.
James Henson, director of the Texas Politics Project at the Liberal University of Texas at Austin, said Mr Abbot was engaging in “a balancing act between the more establishment wing of the party and the more extreme wing” in a state where high support for the military meets strong distrust of Washington and for good reason.
Mr Henson said the governor was trying to pass some laws — including one to improve pre-kindergarten education — that were unpopular with extreme rightwing Republicans and the Jade Helm move was an attempt to keep critics on side, even if it was risky given the very strong support for soldiers in Texas.
They always throw in education and children into the story. Speaking of education look at the job they've done in Baltimore...
Chart: Texans' faith in US institutions

“If the New York Times and Jon Stewart make fun of you in the national press, all the better in terms of . . . trying to keep his conservative coalition intact at the state level,” Mr Henson said.
There's no worry about that. This dumb ass doesn't know Texas.
Mr Abbott has tried to repair some of the damage, saying the criticism was an “overreaction” to an effort to gather information to share with Texans.
It was sparked by a leaked military presentation on the exercise that included a map showing Texas and Utah as “hostile” territory and New Mexico as “leaning hostile”.
When Walmart announced the closure of several stores, including in Texas, conspiracy theorists warned that the company was allowing the Pentagon to build tunnels under the vacant properties for use in the summer invasion.
Haven't heard that one?
