Dear Motorist, Motorcyclist or Bicyclist -
You have been randomly selected to participate in a survey regarding the costs and benefits associated with Texas Motor Vehicle Safety Inspections. This survey is being conducted by the University of Texas at Austin, Center for Transportation Research for the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS).
The survey is accessible at the following link posted on the DPS website. Please click on the yellow note on the left hand side of the screen to access the anonymous, online survey. On average the survey takes approximately 5 - 7 minutes to complete.
TxDPS - Vehicle Inspection Program
Texas Vehicle Inspection Program, a central repository for information on vehicle inspection, emissions testing, and inspection stations and inspectors.
Texas Biker Radio:
Nowadays vehicle Inspections are more of a pain in the butt than a real safety measure. Now that Inspections are attached to registering your vehicle it goes double.
Every time we sit waiting to register our vehicles this topic come up and nobody is happy and giddy like the pic above suggests..
Fact: most people keep their personal non commercial vehicles in good working order.
Fact: Some Don't, Won't or Can't
Fact: Inspection Programs "Do Not" Insure All Vehicles Are Safe, it's become a nuisance.
Fact: Motorcycles Should Be Exempt since 99% of inspection stations haven't a clue in Motorcycle Safety outside of tires, even then it's questionable they do not know what they are looking for. Emission testing is not required. (Never do you let a unqualified person ride your Motorcycle Inspection or not).
Fact: Inspections can still be bought, expensive sensors put certain segments in our society in a bind because of cost.
Fact: Diesel Motor-homes do not require emissions testing, same as Motorcycles most Inspection stations haven't a clue and you damned sure don't let them drive a 40' MH.
Fact: Vehicle safety is up to the individual, the State can't guarantee a vehicle is safe and will remain that way until the next inspection cycle. it's just not possible because the system and people are flawed.
Fact: We've never seen a bicycle being inspected anywhere in Texas. Bicyclist pay no attention to traffic laws when riding, why would they pay attention to bicycle safety Inspections when it's not required to ride a bicycle?
Some States are opting out on vehicle Inspections and emission testing. We think because of our prevailing southerly winds Texas should consider the same.
A List of Sates That Do Not require or Never Had Vehicle Inspections & Emissions Testing. They are doing fine without it.
North Dakota
South Carolina
For Motorcycles It ranks right up there with other regulations like "Ethanol" which lines other peoples pockets.
But we digress..