Watch this video please
If any police officer can't restrain himself / herself from beating unnecessarily on people they should not be wearing a badge. They should go into some other line of work like boxing. This young man on the sportbike admitted he was speeding past an unmarked Camaro and crossing double yellow lines. Since he stopped at an intersection he clearly wasn't running.
In my view the officer assaulted him with his vehicle, then assaulted him by kicking him and hog tying him. All unnecessary. We've seen this before haven't we. We've seen assaults by overzealous police offers that actually kill and get away with it.
I'm tired of seeing this kind of treatment by law enforcement not only on Bikers but the American people. For too long the Law has had their way and we are paying the price of all the corruption and brutality of what has turned into a bunch lying thugs with military hardware..
Over the past few days I've been studying corruption by public officials. Crimes committed by Bikers are minuscule compared to our public servants who's salaries we pay. Together we can expose it all. We are the new media..
I was reading an FBI report that talked about how a few bad apples shouldn't reflect on the whole bunch of public officials. That could be said about any community Including Bikers. Yet they vilify everyone but themselves. While they let everyone slide within their sphere they have a bone on for Bikers, in particular the Bandidos.
As the shortest and sometimes oldest guy in the room I pledge to all of you in the Biking communities (MC - RC -Independents) I will fight this crap till I die. I will not give up, I will not surrender and I will not comply to unjust laws not per the Constitution..
I will beat the drums of truth & justice for all.
The fight begins in the State House and starts now. You want to sit on the sidelines and do nothing go ahead it ain't for me. Its time to push back..
If we can't organize God help us, somebody has to pick up the mantle and there is a strategy that will work. First you must get active, you must have the will and determination to stick with it, small victories become huge quickly once you learn how to fight.
Butch "Ironsides" Moss
"Political Activist"
President / Co Founder of Sons Of Liberty Riders RC
Founder Texas Biker Radio
Producer SOLR Video Productions
US Defender Commander Region 2