We talked about this on last night's short special Congressional Review. Congressman Flores virtual town Hall It's a forum where we can go and ask for a Congressional Review. The Congressional Review (CRA) allows us a place to complain about a federal employee or organization.


In Bernadette's case it's about an FBI Agent that's been on a 4 year long investigation of Able Reyna's Office (McLennan County DA). This agent has put people within the DA's office in a bad spot since the investigation itself was found out by defense attorney's of Bikers arrested and charged by Abel Reyna..

4 years, what this agents problem and why hasn't this gone to a grand jury?

We understanding is once you've asked for a Congressional Review they must act on


The FBI has become the laugh stock of the country with never ending investigations and blunders such as the 10 year John Wiley Price County Commissioner disaster. 10 years unprepared and inept investigators..


I'm Just Sayin..



