Coronavirus Update:
A Texas Company says the have a vaccine to fight the Coronavirus. Greffex's CEO says if the virus is truly a pandemic the vaccine can be fast tracked to human testing and be ready this year. As of today and depending on where you look there are about 565 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the U.S.. Of those there have been 22 deaths, most with underlying health problems. Take note there are over 350 million in our country, so this pandemic is right now pretty low in comparison.
First Presumptive Coronavirus Case North Tx Area. Lets see what the media does with this one.
Is it a Pandemic?
By definition the Coronavirus is a pandemic, but so is every other virus by definition. Viruses of the past has not triggered such panic. Countries around the world were caught flat footed on this one. For the most part the hysteria is media driven with CNN and NY Times taking the lead. In the U.S. politicians put in their two cents to help drive the economy down to pass blame and gain political advantage.
Oil - Russia Russia Russia Update
The market sell off today that triggered a circuit breaker for 15 minutes is more about oil than the Coronavirus. Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince cut oil prices 30% in an all out effort to aimed at Russia, Iran and OPEC. The move was not made at the U.S. but at countries that meddle and create proxy wars in the mid east for the wrong reasons. Like keeping despots in power to maintain a presence.
The U.S. has insulated itself since we no longer depend on foreign oil. Not that there won't be market effects. We are in pretty good shape compared to other countries to weather the storm. Our hats are off to the men and women who work in the energy sector and President Trump.
The silver lining for American consumers is gas prices are coming down as the summer approaches.
Sons Of Liberty Riders MC DFW
So far as we know no Club or MC has canceled any events over the Coronavirus . Stay Safe - Ride Safe
Public Invited March 14TH 1PM
Church - Flips Patio Grill - Grapevine
415 W State Highway 114, Grapevine, Texas 76051
Sons of Liberty Riders MC is a support Club of the Constitution and those who've had their Constitutional Rights violated. Chapters in Houston, Tennessee, Arizona, New Mexico and others pending.
All Americans should be afforded due process per the Constitution. Yet we see Bikers and Biker Clubs being singled out on a daily basis and pegged as criminals. Its time we unite.