Lets put on a kinder and friendlier face for the families of the McLennan County jail. You know the same bastards that taunted 177 Bikers right after they were arrested without due process, many committed no crime at all..
Do they really think a BBQ plate makes it all better? "Hey" lets play some hoops!
Just how many are stuck in their for profit jails? Unlike Bikers most people do not have the stamina, support or the ability to bail out and fight the crooked system that exists in McLennan County. Just maybe some prisoners have been railroaded for a minor crime or no crime at all, plea out and make the nightmare go away. Meanwhile the families suffer at the hands of a mob like law enforcement.
Hell we know all about that don't we? It's soon 3 years and counting for many Bikers.
Maybe the High Sheriff of six shooter junction has learned of the Black groups who yell for reparations from white folks? White folks who's relatives lynched black people? From what we understand the McNamara's got the bucks. Long ago Waco Police Chief Guy McNamara, Mayor John Dollins and Photographer / Biker Fred Gildersleeve watched from a window in the Mayors office as a young black man, 17-year-old Jesse Washington was hanged.
But we digress...
The Holy Spirit Episcopal Church has partnered with the McLennan County Sheriff’s Office to host an event at the Shepherd Mullins Visitation Center, 3241 Marlin Highway, in Waco, to help break down barriers. Organizers expect about 100 law enforcement officials and more than 400 loved ones of those incarcerated to attend.
Social service agencies will be on hand to assist with needs families of those incarcerated may be facing, and guests can eat lunch while socializing while they wait to visit their loved one. Organizers are eyeing the forecast as thunderstorms are expected Friday night.
Man, where was the compassionate Sheriffs Department as they stood by did and said nothing as 177 people were arrested in mass with no investigation. On the words of two loony DPS UC's, Waco PD and Abel Reyna? We'll bring some Bikers on the radio show next Monday to talk about the Sheriff Department Jailers and their behavior.
To the families of those held in McLennan County Jails. Beware! This is a stunt meant to get headlines, indictranate you and your children. Use this opportunity to band together, organize and seek redress for you loved ones. These people are not looking out for you. There is no kinder, gentler law enforcement. Their training which is for the most part secret will not allow it...
Then again maybe it's just a feel good thing for them, huh?
Follow our lead organize and remove those you can from office. Resist!