Popeye I45 To Houston
Popeye Points at a TXDOT sign asking motorist to be aware and share the road with Motorcycles. Groups like the Texas Legislative Strike Force in conjunction with TXDOT each year declares May as Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Month. Members of the COCI are seeking Proclamations in cities all across Texas.
Its paramount that we keep an eye on Motorcycle Safety Funding since it was our Legislation that created it. The DPS hasn't really put the effort in the distribution of the funds or anything else that pertains to Motorcycles. It's so bad a review has stated they should scrap the DPS Motorcycle Training units in favor of the private run Motorcycle Safety Courses. Talkin about a low blow!
During the 84th Legislative Session Paul Landers spoke eloquently in front of the State Senate Transportation Committee seeking release of funds for Motorcycle Safety. You see it had built up to 17 million. They released 4.5 million and we passed our Motorcycle Safety funding Bill SB754 just after Twinn Peaks, then signed by the Governor. Actually part of the news at the COCI meeting on May 17th 2015 was to be that our Bill was sent to the floor of the TX House and would become law.
As the 86th Legislature approaches we find the funds has once again built back up to an astounding 16 million and counting. Thanks to the Governor who believes anything the DPS spews he vetoed the funding process due to ignorance of the facts. That was just part of the problem that we knew we had to keep an eye on.
Apparently Motorcycle Safety is not a priority with the DPS. I suggest we take public safety out of their name DFCM Department of Fusion Confusion and Misinformation. It seems to me they are the largest Motorcycle Profiling Organization in Texas and May 17th 2015 was the largest single case of Motorcycle Profiling in U.S. History (over 200 profiled).
Could it be that Legislative success by Bikers was the root cause of the actions taken by the DPS? They were the gang leading the operation at Twinn Peaks with misinformation from a fusion center built on unreliable sources from Podunk Texas. It's people sittin on their asses making real time decisions on people they don't really know, "Profiling"!
It cost Abel Reyna his job and maybe his future to expose it all.
See You In Front Of The McLennan County Courthouse May 17th 2018 Noon