A few days ago it was asked, are the citizens of this country so stupid we can't save the country from ourselves. Even when it's in plain site for everyone to see. Common sense has given in to self destruction at the hands of politicians, educators and the media. Living in a world of 30 second sound bites and political correctness we've been programmed to walk off the cliff while the rest of the world is laughing. Our children indoctrinated to go along and hand over the keys. To whom we do not yet know?
For those of us who've been waving the red flags for the past decade or so its a terribly frustrating and sickening thing to watch.
The same scenario can play out for Bikers in Texas and Nationwide. We've seen the future and it looks a lot like Queensland Australia. Waco has proven this is deadly serious. for political animals like myself my Club Sons Of Liberty Riders RC and many others it's our job to convince Bikers everywhere this is no time to sit idly by if you love our lifestyle and the freedom of the open roads.
I've always thought that Veteran Biker would be the last ones standing in a Nation gone mad. There could be another way to look at it, we could be the first to fall just for that reason. We are seen as a threat by the government even though apathy is alive and well among Bikers. The whole Nation suffers from it.

I've been a political activist since I retired in 2001, have walked the halls of the Congress, Senate and the Texas State Capital doing the work that no one had the time or the will to do.
A little over a year ago Mel Robins and our small group of Bikers landed at the door step of US Defenders Paul Landers / Steve Cochran where we learned of the work they do on motorcycle safety legislation. Since we are a political group dedicated to the Constitution, Motorcycle Safety and veterans Issues we asked if we could help? After all, for over a decade I had made many political contacts. One quick point, we were not forced to join and the fees are not $30. per person. Somebody is getting bad information.
After getting involved I learned the structure & numbers to become a powerful political force is there. There are political races we can have an effect on around the State, legislation that can be fought for and won if we are dedicated from top to bottom. The US Defenders we worked with in the past 84th Texas Legislative session are smart and dedicated individuals who believe in the work they do regardless of what club they might be affiliated with and what law enforcement might say. There is nothing more fun than sharing that experience with fellow Bikers.
Getting back to the point! We cannot take the path of apathy if we expect to survive law enforcement's continued attack on Bikers through the State Legislature. Our only option is to Unite like never before...
Become the political force we can be, organized and ready..
One last thought. Everyone of us should know who our representatives are "CLICK". Your representatives should know who you are when they see you. I guarantee you mine do. Your Representative is not royalty, they happen to be someone who had the wherewithal to win an election. May times they may not be the smartest guy in the room. Their staffs do all the work, what to say, where to be and what time to be there. If your politically active make friends with the staffers....LOL