Oct. 24th 2017 Waco TX
After Court ended on Tuesday afternoon it was reported by several people in the peanut gallery Tommy Witherspoon of the Waco Tribune could been seen tampering with evidence, taking pictures of pictures, holding them up getting a good look the rest of us don't see much less touch. Everybody in the court room has been warned no cell phones, no pictures or your out for good.
Not Ole Tommy boy he has credentials, connections the Good Ole Boys like. Therefore not a word said as he fingers the evidence, he has the run of the courthouse and serves at their pleasure. It makes us wonder just what else has he fingered? It's wacky as hell when you consider the assistant DA fired a weapon out the window and he says he took every precaution. He goes unpunished and not held accountable. How many times do we have to see and hear Public Officials not held accountable before we get it?
Have they ever heard of preservation of evidence.
It's bad enough the DA Able Reyna has been foot dragging the evidence for 21/2 years one drip at a time, Judge Johnson has threatened him enough over the defense Lawyer Cassie Gotro's complaints.
it's our guess it's been this way for quite some time. They've had their way as the few brave souls take on the machine in an effort to point out the corruption that exists within the Law & Courts of McLennan County. Now that National attention is on Six Shooter Junction maybe some common sense might surface in the face of a corrupt system.
Tommy is said to be a really nice guy and we have no doubt this is true. What our beef is is the lack of real investigative reporting by those that have resources we can only dream of. Like many others in the News business it's the path of the least resistance, if you don't have the guts to take them on you join them and know your place.
Thank God for the rise of the Citizen reporters who now see all.
Secure the damned evidence Judge Johnson!
