First it was Britain's Brexit, Then America had its revolution at the ballot box by electing Donald Trump, now it's Italy's turn to reject big government called the European Union. People are rejecting massive immigration and policies that undermine a nations sovereignty. In many countries their culture is soon to be on the verge of extinction through rules and regulations fueled by nameless, faceless party elites and aristocrats. 


EU is on the verge of collapse Remember the term derivatives? Turns out the Deutsche Bank, and its potential to collapse several other institutions through the counter-party risk of its $40-70 trillion derivatives book. Bailout plans are looming but the Italian people have had it over immigration of muslims that have overwhelmed the country's ability to take care of them and the clash of cultures.


Believe it or not the Italians have a Tea Party that's been fighting big government for years. When we spoke with them last, we did offer some advice. Put your heads down, don't listen to media reports, don't believe the polls, do your part go and VOTE regardless, use social media...