Donald Trump Rally Dallas TX:
Watching sharks, main stream and mid stream media sharks waiting hoping for one mistake, parsing every word, looking for planted protesters and praying for blood.
Were they ever disappointed, hats off to the Dallas PD, they let it be known there would be none of what we saw in other parts of the country would not be tolerated here. Now its Houston's turn when Trump arrives there today. Dallas had all the bases covered with riot squads in reserve somewhere out of site. Layers of cops from Gillys that radiated out blocks away to protect event goers and protesters. Everybody had a friendly face if you can believe that, cops, protesters, event goers, hell even the horses.
Even Horses Were Smiling
Per the 1st Amendment this is the way it should be. Everyone has a chance to express their opinion and have their say without fear of being attacked or verbally abused by such groups as Moveon, La Raza and any other left wing extremist group or nut job out there. Bad behavior says a lot about who they are.
At its peak there "may" have been several hundred protesters, but we never saw that many. As we walked past them and we took a good look I think many of them either didn't know why they were there or their hearts were not really into what they were doing. Of course there's always the nut job.
Anti Trump Protesters
Thank God the Waco PD / DPS wan't in control they would have killed everyone with a sign on a stick and arrested all 4500 in Gilleys. Then charge them all with conspiracy to commit whatever trumped up charge they could think of. Then the bumbling FBI who consistently practices catch and release with terrorists could step in with some kind of watch list of gangs that don't exist. At the same time they could waste millions of tax payers dollars chasing the wrong people many who are a creation of their imagination. A game of bull shit backed up by this administration, OPO's and the media..
God help Us!
It's in our view Americans are catching on, we must push back and push hard. Bikers are going to have a role in this although we are not quite sure where we fit in. There's one thing for sure networking is key..
Nuts - Trump Rally
There's Always One