Its been reported that thorough executive orders Obama has just increased the number of Syrian refugees coming into our country via his illegal fast track immigration program.
There is "no way" to verify who these people are, they have no means of support other than the American tax payer. Free housing, medical, welfare, education, all on us.
ISIS has said they will use the immigration stream to infiltrate our country. There is no reason to believe this is not true.
Who dies next?
Texas Biker Radio: Is calling on all politicians to push back against the Obama - Hillary agenda. Especially those at the federal level. Congress has the power of the purse. I strongly suggest they defund any and all government agencies that participates in any illegal immigration fast track program and do it now...
Obama is not king and we should have a say, since its we the people paying for his fundamental change of America. The changes Obama who in our opinion is a islamist sympathizer who will destroy America bit by bit by bit.
Using political correctness and our own Constitution as a tool to finish the job....
Pics below from left: New Jersey - Berkeley - Gay Pride Parade - Chicago

Gay Pride Parade


Berkley CA

New Jeresey