On Wed February 7th we returned to the Texas State Capital in search of a sponsor for our Motorcycle Profiling Legislative Proposal. It's a daunting task in today's climate in Texas.


#1. After Waco some but not all Law Enforcement along with a willing media vilified all Bikers as gang members and thugs, especially Patched Members. Even the TABC went after Patched Riders. The public has no clue of 1% or 0%.


#2. Black Lives Matters and other left winged groups fanning the flames of racism, particularly against cops which resulted in 5 deaths in Dallas and others in Texas.


It's in our view State Legislators worry about anything they think is or would be seen as against Law Enforcement although they will not outright admit it. We can tell within the first few seconds how it's going to go, a sigh, an eye roll, the way they handle the written proposal in front of them.


It's then you know the level of work you must do.


Charlie - Chris - Mel - Mel
Charlie - Chris - Mel - Mel

On the way to Austin we strategized, who to visit, who to visit first, what to say, what material to present, whether to document with video cam, cuts no cuts. For us cuts always wins out, we are who we are. Our MC has been in the political game for years, this is what we do. Many politicians in North Texas know us well. They also know we are capable of public demonstrations on Constitutional issues. . 


We felt our visit yesterday was better than Motorcycle Legislative Day, for several reason, legislators were in their offices, many legislators travel to Austin on Mondays. This allowed us to put the material in their hands personally. There was surely a lot going on this day, it was crowded, it was perfect.


Turns out the most powerful tool of the day was my cell phone, I decided to fetch the profiling video made by Escondido Cody King and have it ready to play (thank you Cody). As it played, immediately the representative would call his political analyst into the room.


First time that happened with comments and raised eyebrows I knew we had something that got their attention, it brings a new perspective in our approach on Motorcycle Profiling in the Texas State Legislature.


It's always good to have friends in the State Legislature, I can promise you we left the day feeling good about our prospects in finding a Legislator to introduce a Motorcycle Profiling Bill. There are people now working behind the scenes to help, something we did not have before our visits yesterday.


We are now reaching out to all US Defenders to encourage your Club members to send the Cody Video link to their representatives and ask them to support or introduce motorcycle Legislation..


Even better get by their office in the Capital or local offices, get it in their hands.


Need help?  contact at: texasbikerradio@gmail.com 




Mel "Popeye" Moss