A few days ago we didn't know what in the hell a gaggle press conference at the White House was. We find out it's a off camera meeting with reporters and the Presidents Press Secretary. Looking from the outside we get the impression that maybe White House corespondents have gotten special treatment for way to long.
FIRED So Should Others Be
Why should the President not be able to exclude reporters and networks who have pubically wished for him to fail and even worse wished for his death before his 3rd week in office. We certainly think the President has the right to talk to those who report the News Fairly and with out malice.
CNN Soon To Be MSNBC's Equal
The Fake news media is certainly free to keep making fools of themselves, but beware the citizens now recognize the media has delivered us the mess we see not only in Washington DC, but in local and state governments as well. Endorsements by the media will soon be the kiss of death for politicians.
Main Stream Meia - Hollywood Productions
Every time you invite these self appointed hypocrites into your home or car by turning on or reading the so called elite media you run the risk of falling into a trap. A trap designed to indoctrinate or nudge you away from common sense. They speak to you as if they are your friend nightly, dressed to kill and pearly whites to match. Impressive Fake sets, when all they need is a single fax machine connected to those with power and money. What used to be news is now an agenda driven machine from podunk junction to new york city. Everything they can make political they do.
As common sense citizens it is our job to push back and expose these hypocrites wherever we find them. #1) I do not subscribe to any written media produced by major outlets who does not see the Constitution as the Law Of The Land. #2) We do not watch main stream media full of hate and does not treat all with fairness and respect. #3) We have news blackout days when media carries uncorroborated topics on and on for days.