Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein who did not win a single State or County Nationwide for that matter is raising money to call for a recount in three states: Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. She said that it was necessary due to "reported hacks into voter and party databases and individual email accounts are causing many Americans to wonder if our election results are reliable." A Wisconsin recount request was filed on Friday. It's more loony tunes from the progressive left.
She failed to mention the millions of dead and illegal voters mixed into the final count and certified by each state's election boards. Once you take those out Trump wins popular vote also.
However, it appears that Stein's efforts to obtain a recount are nothing more than a scam. Daily Wire says there are seven reasons why.
1. There is no evidence that the election results weren't reliable. As the Daily Wire has explained, there is nothing to suggest that the electronic voting machines were hacked. Donald Trump's advantage over Hillary Clinton in electronic voting was a result of demographics, not a hack, and Michigan's ballots were all paper. The entire premise for Stein's recount is false.
2. When Stein first announced her recount efforts, her goal was to reach $2.5 million. Now it's $7 million. Stein has raised $5 million since Wednesday, causing the goal to rise from $2.5 million to $4.5 million to $7 million, according to National Public Radio.
What caused the sudden rise in Stein's fundraising goal?
3. Stein's legal costs suddenly surged. Per Townhall
Why would her legal fees suddenly rise by that much over a short period of time?
Read the fine print before donating:
4. Stein can't guarantee that the recounts will actually happen. "We cannot guarantee a recount will happen any of these states," Stein's website states. "We can only pledge we will demand recounts in those states."
That's kind of an important detail.
5. Stein's website also states that excess money will go towards "election integrity efforts."
"If we raise more than what’s needed, the surplus will also go toward election integrity efforts and to promote voting system reform," the website reads. What exactly that kind of reform will be was not specified by Stein, leaving the possibility open that the money will simply be funneled back to the Green Party.
"This is Democrat party fundraising at its best because ultimately all the Greens are are Democrats with bad personal hygiene who failed economics and history," writes RedState blogger streiff. "Stein’s fundraising appeal using a recount that is never going to happen will go down as one of the greatest bait-and-switch scams in political history."
6. It is highly unlikely that Stein would be able to pull off a recount in Pennsylvania.
And even if Stein were to clear all those hurdles by Monday, the recount still would likely fall through, and Trump would still be president:
7. Both the left and the right on Twitter are calling Stein's recount efforts a scam. Members of the green party is already saying she doesn't speak for them. This money is more than likely going into her coiffures not the green party.
On the Jill Stein recount websites frequently asked questions fails to say under who's account are funds going in to?
Like all things political follow the money/scam.
So what happens? Crooked Hillary joins in on it.
Clinton's Motto never let a good scam go to waste..
It is our hope that part of draining the swamp is the corruption that follows politicians on the left and right.
It is our hope that the Clinton's and the DNC pisses the president Elect off so bad that he does appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the Clinton Foundation and others like it.
It is our hope that if Jill Stein fails to get a recount from all 3 states targeted, she returns all monies donated under false pretenses and delayed disclaimers.
Ref: Daily Wire