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Mike Fisher, U. S. Navy veteran, 68 years old Viet Nam "Brown Water Sailor" died over a month ago alone in his apartment. it was at least three weeks before anyone discovered the body. Saginaw Police Detective Robert Richardson found no evidence of friends or family, there was a driver license and some papers from  the VA medical Center.


Since they could not positively ID the body , he was sent to the Tarrant County Medical Examiners Office for positive ID. Detective Richardson worried that this Navy Veteran could end up in a county paupers grave and contacted a group of veterans of which I am one of. We've been working ever since to see that Navy Vet Mike Fisher makes into the DFW National Cemetery where he belongs not a paupers grave.


​There have been some stumbling blocks along the way. At first it was positively identifying the body, then I contacted Tarrant County Commissioner and Army Veteran Andy Nguyen's office who immediately started helping us, they have funds to help with interment of unclaimed individuals with no family, not to mention funds that should be provided from the VA. 


After making a positive ID the Medical Examiners office found he had a brother in California and contacted him, once that happens help from the County goes away. The brother comes to Texas, takes Mike Fishers car and valuables leaving everything else for the dumpster, and returned to California without making any arrangements for his brothers internment. At that point we are still OK, but then the brother calls on Sunday night arranges for a crematorium to pick up the body. 


​We contact the crematorium to make arrangement's to escort Mike Fishers to his final resting place at DFW National Cemetery, we now find out the brother has not made arrangement's to pay for cremation services and in our view cannot or will not.



Here's what's really sad, the crematorium in Plano has been stiffed (not paid) so many times by the VA, they can no longer provide services in cases like this.


Needles to say we are upset with the brother and we are doubly upset with the VA if we find out non payment is rampid for Veterans in these type cases. It makes us wonder how many Vets with no family are in paupers graves across the country?


UPDATE 10/29/16


Veteran Mike Fishers ashes remain at the crematorium in Plano pending payment of $865.00. We are working to raise the money so it's not a burden on any one person. We had this taken care of until the brother made requests he was not willing to pay for. As veterans it is our duty to see Mike Fisher is given a proper burial at the DFW National Cemetery. We have created a Donate page at the Texas Biker Radio Store. Donate whatever you can, just click the pic above .. 



A Special Thanks To Those Who Have Worked To Help Navy Vet Mike Fisher:


Chuck Perry,  J.R. Fazio, TX Bikers, Mel Robins, Mel Moss, Sons of Liberty Riders RC, Craig Owenby, TC Sheriff Candidate Bill Waybourn, Josie Flores of Kay Grangers office, investigator John Briggs of the ME's office, Tarrant County Commissioner Andy Nguyen, Patriot Guard, Richard at All Texas Cremations and Detective Robert Richardson of the Saginaw Police Dept.



Respect, MM