Take no prisoners we are still on YT - Maybe we're striking a cord - common sense sometimes does that - It was reported this morning the potato head thinks Ukraine can not win this war and he's going to make sure by not sending necessary tools to do so - all this after we convinced Ukraine to give up their nuclear weapons after the fall of the soviet union - 


Who the hell could ever trust us? - Don't worry Kamala is finally headed to the border - no! no! not our border she's in charge of fixing - the Polish border - then again maybe not - would be a bad photo image for us folks back home - 


just think! Look at the idiots running the country - an energy sec that knows nothing about energy and a transportation sec that knows nothing about transportation - we promise you it's that way throughout the fed government - 


join us tonight we'll take no prisoners together ...


all that and energy facts According to the EIA Energy Information Administration 


80% of our country's energy come from oil & gas 

Wind energy was the source of about 8.4% -

 Hydropower plants produced about 7.3% -

Solar energy provided about 2.3%

Geothermal power plants produced about 0.5%

Biomass was the source of about 1.4% 


Here it comes, the potato head wants to study for government controlled digital currency. Do you want the government to have access to your money?


Energy Sec. Jennifer Granholme speaks before Oil Execs in Houston begging them to increase oil production. Didn't say a word about relaxing regulations that have crippeled drilling and exploration. Matter of fact she spoke out both sides of her mouth when she said this -  “It’s hard to see history in the making when you’re right in the middle of it. I think that we are on the cusp of the most important transition that human societies have ever seen,” she said. She's fuckin nuts and she knows nothing about energy. Just another empty head.  


PSA: If your child goes to pvt school watch their curriculum closely - Through teacher training lectures with titles like “Cultivating Anti-Racists and Activists in Kindergarten,” “Decolonizing the Minds of Second Graders,” and “The White People Way,” the nation’s leading accreditation association for private schools is instructing educators to adopt a race-essentialist and cultural Marxist curriculum for children as young as five years old. 


Biden Nat’l Economic Council Head Deese: ‘No Amount of Domestic Production We Can Do to Reduce’ Gas Prices.


Wait a min we know this is not true, not long ago we were energy independent until the potato head stole and election..


 Biden requests $2.6 billion from Congress to fund global gender equity programs

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