IS THAT A WIG?Texas Biker Radio was been court room watchers for better than 4 years and Milam County courtrooms are no different than what we've seen all over the State Of Texas. One of the biggest problems is the collusion between the Law, DA's and Judges. No longer are you innocent until proven guilty. Rush Limbaugh pointed this out a month ago on one of his programs during the Presidents impeachment trials.
DA's all across Texas has no problems with sending the innocent to jail. This includes Bill Torrey and his staff. Case and point is a trail that's ongoing and has a Disabled Veteran Motorcyclist fighting for his reputation, his freedom and motorcyclist everywhere. He was stopped for 7 miles over the speed limit, he was legally carrying a weapon per his CHL, he had been vetted by the state as a non criminal, never been convicted of a crime, 24 years as a Combat Veteran, a Purple Heart, 2 Bronze Stars, other Meritorious Awards, Good Conduct Discharge. What more does one have to do?
So he found himself charged with criminal carry, not 7 miles over the speed limit (no ticket). His real crime? He's a Motorcycle Club Member and was in the Texas Gang Database. That was news to him since no one told him he was entered into a super secret database that no one sees.

Note: These databases (fusion centers) are full of false data. Our surveys has shown people are in it that should not be. People that have never been in any kind of trouble with the law, have CHL's and security clearances on top of that. They keep these databases secret, they do not let you know if you are entered in, you are now considered a potential criminal without a shred of due process. Anyone can be entered, "anyone". The DPS ignores their own guidelines to populate gang databases.
DPS made public Statement that the gang database does not identify anyone a s a gang member, only the possibility they might be and should not be used in a court of law, yet the DA and courts preceed.
Patrick was jailed, denied due process on the side of the road, in the courtroom because he's in a Motorcycle Club. Fact his Club has not ever been convicted as a criminal organization.
We've seen this before in McLennan County where a DA tried to convict and imprison 154 Club Members up to 45 years, most if not all were no more than witnesses. That ended with "0" convictions and the DA Abel Reyna thrown out of office in favor of a fair and honest guy.
We're asking the citizens of Milam County to take a look with fair and honest Judgement. DA's across Texas should be as concerned about the innocent as they are about convictions under their belts. It's in our opinion DA Torrey is not one of them. Take a look at his challenger and "do the right thing"
