Congressman Roger Williams, now is the time for the republicans in the congress and senate to show unity for Trump's agenda. Now is not the time for rino's to throw democrats a life line like we've seen in the past, again and again I might add. A couple of things that need to be done asap.
#1. If anyone is in this country illegally there will never be a pass to citizenship, no exceptions.
#2. Cut off the flow of taxpayers money into the pockets of illegals, NGO's and any other government or non government organizations funding illegal aliens into our country, "Expose them all". Including the cost of housing and cell phones.
#3. Sanctuary cities should bare the cost of illegal housing, medical expenses, and education. "Not" taxpayers Outside of sanctuary cities or states.
#4. There should be an investigation of what kind of messaging goes out on the millions of cell phones passed out to illegals? I'm sure instructions and propaganda by the dnc. We paid for it, it is our right to know who, why, and punished accordingly.
Regards Melvin Moss
Former President Arlington Tea Party.
Natl Pres Sons Of Liberty Riders MC
Texas Biker Radio News