Most people who watch local or national news or no news at all will not see or get important information. The Biden family including the Big Guy must be brought to justice. In our National and local Media (major networks) all you will get is spin or denial, in other word the party line/narrative. Collectively our local, national media is every bit as bad as Russian, Chinese propaganda machine's. Make no doubt they along with social media like, google, youtube, facebook and government are working to silence us from giving our opinions and searching for truth.
The information brought forward must be shared, you will see it all right here. There is no denying the Biden family is raking in the dough without any sort of business that delivers a service or tangible asset for the money they are receiving.
The coverup continues by the DOJ, FBI, IRS and so on. This must be corrected and soon. It will not happen unless you stand up for your first amendment rights....