The Waco Deception

Sgt Patrick Swanton with the Waco Police Department on or about May, 17, 2015 released to the media statements about the Twin Peaks shootings. Nine citizens were killed and eighteen others were shot and sent to local hospitals. One hundred and seventy-seven were arrested at the scene and charged with engaging in organized criminal activity; conspiring to commit capital murder.

Swanton lied to the news reporters by intentionally omitting that the Texas Confederation of Clubs and Independents (COC&I) had scheduled the political meeting at Twin Peaks two months prior to the shooting and that was why the bikers were gathering there.

The omission of reporting the COC&I meeting having been previously scheduled, was designed and carried out with malice because Swanton, the Waco Police Department, the Texas Department of Public Safety, FBI, ATF, NSA and probably several other federal agencies knew about the scheduled meeting well in advance; or should have known about it. The planned omission of the scheduled meeting provided the ability to establish the false narrative that the cowboys were gathering at Twin Peaks to have a range war over fence lines and watering holes.

The lies alternated throughout the press releases from omission to commission, but were obviously overt with Swanton's statements claiming that the bikers were gathering at Twin Peaks to participate in violence over disputed turf and recruitment. Swanton said, “They were not here to drink beer and eat BBQ,” he said. “They came with violence in mind, and they were ready for it.”

The COC&I meeting was scheduled in Waco to allow the members from North, South, East, Central, and West Texas to come together for announcements and discussions of senate bills that were written by the COC&I and were actual being voted on at the in session Texas 84th Legislature.

The long history of the COC&I's effective political involvement has been responsible for scores of legislation authored by the COC&I, its member groups, and affiliates, that have been passed into law to protect and safeguard the rights of motorcycle riders. If the truth had been reported it would have completely refuted the false biker war scenario.

The groups history also includes thousands of meetings that have been held all over the country without one recorded indecent of violence. The Waco P.D. with S.W.A.T. the Texas DPS and whatever other federal agencies laid in wait for the bikers at Twin Peaks didn't give them half the chance, as the cowboys got at the O.K. Corral.

The COC&I is not a secret organization, if anyone from law-enforcement would have contacted them with concerns of possible violence erupting at the meeting there could have been a cancellation, relocation, or rescheduling of the meeting and avoided the loss of anyone’s life.

The actions of law-enforcement, to militarily engage a group of American citizens under the guise of protecting and serving the public is illogical. With the same philosophy the term, “a dead society is a safe society” would mark our progress of evolution into the new police state. Tyrannical control of all information dictates what we believe and removes our distinction between the true and the false.

John Bostick